Well, not exactly, but pretty damn close.
Sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning (when I had a conference call scheduled with my amazing designer to walk through setting up my new website - freakin' figures), a bug got into my computer, despite having Norton and all manner of protections, and messed with my settings. I couldn't get on the internet. I could IM and get email through Outlook, so I know I could connect to the outside. I just couldn't get any of my browsers (yes, three different browsers - IE, Firefox and Safari) to connect.
So, here I am - FINALLY - after spending HOURS with the very kind and helpful folks at Dell (seriously, they saved me from taking my computer to the nearest twenty-story building and pitching this f***ing computer from the roof). The end result was I had to reinstall Windows XP from scratch. Yes. Reinstalled my operating system. Everything on my hard drive (which was mostly backed-up) was overwritten and is now brand spanking blank, and rather speedy.
Lessons learned:
HANG ON TO THE DISCS THAT YOU GET WITH YOUR COMPUTER AND THEN PUT THEM SOMEPLACE WHERE YOU CAN FIND THEM. I found all but one of them (thank GOD I found those) and the missing one contained drivers which I downloaded from Dell's website. Without the Windows XP Reinstallation disc in my hand, I would have had to wait until they came in the mail. That would not have been good.
STORE A COPY OF ACTIONS AND OTHER DOWNLOADED FILES ON A DISC OR EXTERNAL MEMORY DRIVE. Most of my action files were stored on my external hard drive, but a few were not. I'll be calling around tomorrow to see if anyone will take pitty on my frustrated soul.
BUY AN EXTENDED WARRANTY ON YOUR COMPUTER PURCHASES. Twice in the last three months I have needed the people at Dell and they've exceeded my expectations each time. The first was a broken power source. Within 24 hours of my call, a nice man came to my home and installed a new power source. For FREE. And the six hours over the last three days I've spent with their techno squad on their toll-free hotline to troubleshoot and resolve my problem was beyond helpful and they were all very friendly. And spoke English.
BUY A MAC. Which I will be doing before year's end. Now I know that Macs are not without their faults, but they are reportedly virtually impervious to viruses (virii???) and other pc-happy pathogens, and the best for photography and graphics. Ahhhhhh. This recent problem was the proverbial straw that broke that doggone camel's back. I'll be sportin' a new iMac very, very, very soon. (Thanks, honey, for finally caving. You're da bomb.)
So, that's my excuse for not being around much these last few days. Now that I'm (mostly) back up and running, look for a flurry of December Daily stuff coming tomorrow.
How did you spend your weekend?