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« The road to recovery... | Main | The Back-to-School Giveaway! »

August 28, 2008


Amy Coose

Love seeing your pics. I swear, you amaze me with your skills! Love the swing picture...too funny!


Tina! You talent continuously amazes me! Congrats on the cover! It's a gorgeous page - I can't wait to see the little book you're working on finished! It's adorable!!! (as are your kids! I hope school is going well! We start in a few days - cross your fingers for Lucas ;)


You make everyday moments look spectacular!!

Our boys are the same age. We are starting Kindergarten on Tuesday as well.


I've been telling Madison to stop growing for like EVER... the stinker refuses to listen, darn it! Love those photos... and that lil' book is the cutest! Congrats on the SS cover *and* being the featured artist.. you go girl!!!


just wanted to tell you that i love that picture on the sweetwater blog! {ok, i love all your pictures!!} and your kids are way cute. i told my 15.5 year old the same thing and now he's about 5" taller than me. *sigh*


Thank you to share this with us!
I love to come here and reed your blog and see your amazing pictures!
Your children are so beautiful!

I love the fall album too! The tree is simply too cute!


You talented babe, you!

Leanne Stamatellos

and so you should brag - you are one talented scrappe and photographer not to mention a great mum and wife to her beautiful children!
what's wrong with that? :)


Love these photos! These precious little faces are just priceless and you've captured them perfectly. I'm glad you're feeling back to normal (or at least mostly). Hope the kids get into the swing of back to school quickly.

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