THE NEWEST KMA DESIGN TEAM MEMBER!!! I can't freakin' believe it. After all those layouts I've submitted for publication or design team gigs. Wahooooooooooo! Doing the booty dance in my freezing garage, hollering quietly enough so I don't wake anyone.
I had QUITE the long day. Out of my front door in San Diego up to Long Beach's Shoreline Village for a visit with my aunt and cousins (hi, guys). Then down to Huntington Beach for visit with another aunt. And then to my mom's house in Costa Mesa before heading home. Over four hours in the car with two toddlers. Nearly 12 hours away from home and all its comforts. Thank GOD for portable DVD players and Two Buck Chuck is all I've got to say after a day like today.
Feed and bathe the kids. Drink some wine. Watch a movie. I think I'll go check email before heading to bed. Then BAM! Here's this congratulatory email from Liz at KMA and another from a friend who'd seen the announcement. LIKE I CAN SLEEP NOW!!!
I'm really looking forward to working with these folks, and my fellow DT members are all a bunch of hugely talented gals. Okay. Now I'm feeling so not worthy and scared to death that I'm going to be a major disappointment. Postive thoughts. Positive thoughts. Breathe deep.
Yay for me.
ETA: KMA is Keeping Memories Alive and can be found at